emmacmaslenJul 14, 2022Be prepared: A motto for our timesIf we've learned anything from the pandemic it's that things change fast - very fast! One day you have a seemingly stable job, and the...
emmacmaslenJul 14, 20225 reasons you need a LinkedIn profileSo you hate social media and don't see why you need a LinkedIn profile... Unfortunately, LinkedIn is fairly vital if you are serious...
emmacmaslenJul 14, 2022Here's why you should update your CV and LinkedIn even if you aren't job huntingHere's a funny story: This week I started volunteering in the resume hub at a not-for-profit organisation and the coordinator asked me to...
emmacmaslenJul 14, 2022Fix your LinkedIn profile in 5 easy stepsWhether you love or hate social media, LinkedIn profiles are a necessary tool in today's job search market. Recruiters use LinkedIn for...